Saturday, March 28, 2020

Score Tutoring NYC - Success Is Achieved By Experience

Score Tutoring NYC - Success Is Achieved By ExperienceNew York City is one of the fastest growing and most important areas in the world for higher education. One of the first things that an aspiring student does is to take the SAT or ACT. This is a part of the testing process, where the student has to sit through multiple essays and questionnaires on subjects such as algebra, geometry, literature, and more. Although this is a useful process, it does not give any insight into one's ability to perform.Scores given by standardized tests are determined solely by a person's ability to comprehend and remember information. It is crucial that individuals with cognitive skills such as attention span, memory, and problem solving are provided with an accurate, comprehensive, and reliable way to study and score. As a result, tutoring is one of the most reliable ways to help students learn. For most colleges and universities, students need tutoring in order to meet their college admissions requir ements. Tutoring services are available online or in the classroom.The principal purpose of tutoring is to help students become better prepared for their upcoming exams. There are many types of tutoring services available online or in the classroom.The most obvious and the most common type of tutoring are specialized tutoring, which is where the tutors work with students and teach them specific subjects. These tutors have years of experience in the area and are very efficient at assisting students in gaining knowledge and skills. Students learn their subject matter with much efficiency and comprehension.There are also specialized classes that a student can take in the public school classroom to receive help from another student. These courses are perfect for students who need extra help studying and struggling with problems in their exam preparation. These types of classes are highly recommended for students who need additional assistance in their application process.An alternative to tutoring would be online tutoring. Many students use online resources to help them study for their exams. Online tutoring services offer multiple methods of assistance, including online tutorials, tests, lesson plans, and more.Students who find the opportunity to tutor from a reliable source will reap the benefits. Students will gain increased understanding and increase their chances of passing their exams.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Post Spring Break Burn Out 6 Ways to Cope

Post Spring Break Burn Out 6 Ways to Cope Beat the Spring Break Burn Out With These 6 Tips By this time, students in both high school and college are back from Spring Break. The first Monday back can be exceedingly difficult because students know that it was the last break until the end of the school year. College students will have to focus on final exams, finding a summer job or internship, or dealing with life after graduation. Additionally, high school students will be faced with the all-important AP examinations, the SAT, the ACT, and the thought of going to summer school if necessary (READ: Cracking the ACT Science Section). College seniors who have already been accepted to college will still need to maintain a decent GPA in order to keep their conditional acceptance. Although this time of year can be a challenge for most students, there are ways a cope that can help ease the transition from post spring break burnout back into academic life. 1. Get back into a routine Most students have gotten out of their routine during spring break, which is actually a good thing. Whether in high school or college, students need to rest, relax, and sleep in during their time off. However, now that school is back in session its important for students to reestablish a routine. Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, eating a nutritious and protein-fueled lunch, and reestablishing a homework routine are all important when adjusting back to a regular school schedule. 2. Test preparation Students who have not yet started test prep for their AP exams or their college entrance exams are a little bit behind the game. However, theres still time for students to be successful on their AP exams and SATs but it will require a sacrifice of time. Exams are now just under a month away, giving students time to review and practice general test-taking strategies but not much time for content study. Students who are behind on their AP exams should arrange a plan of action with their tutor or classroom teacher in order to succeed next month. Students who will be taking that SAT or ACT this spring should crack open that test prep booklet and do a full length practice exam. Its important for students to know where they stand so they can, hopefully, get the score they want the first time around. 3. Energy Students who have been preparing for college or preparing to finish college this year are probably mentally tired at this point. Its important for students to conserve and maintain a steady stream of energy so they can be successful for the remainder of the academic year. The best way to conserve energy is to get eight hours of sleep each night, get mild to moderate exercise as is appropriate, and pay attention to good nutrition. Its also important for students to do things with their friends from time to time, even during the busy study season, so that they are able to take a mental break and just enjoy life. 4.  Make plans Its important for students, regardless of their current grade level, to make plans for the summer. Whether it’s arranging to have a part-time job, planning a fun vacation, or looking for an internship, students who have something to look forward to are more likely to maintain their current level of energy. 5. Call a tutor Most college prep students, and many current college students, will have worked with a tutor earlier in the year either for SAT preparation or that really difficult course required for graduation. This is a good time of year to get back in touch with your Orange County private tutor and ask them for ways to survive the remainder of the school year. Students can either get academic help for the rest of the year or simply spend an hour or two getting reorganized and maintaining motivation. Having a little bit of help never hurts. 6. Get in touch with the Study Group Students who have lost touch with their study group over spring break should reconnect right away. Many students take two or even three weeks to recover from being off of an academic schedule. However, those who are consistently part of a high-achieving study group tend to get right back into their academic routine (READ: Tips from an Orange County tutor: Keeping a Study Session On Track). In short Although spring break is a nice time to relax, both high school and college students are advised to look at these tips and tricks for reestablishing an academic life so that they can be successful for the remainder of the school year. Summer is not that far away, hang in there! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Tips From an Irvine College Consultant The Roommate Checklist

Tips From an Irvine College Consultant The Roommate Checklist Tips From an Irvine College Consultant: The Roommate Checklist Tips From an Irvine College Consultant: The Roommate Checklist At this point in the year, everybody has gotten their college acceptance letters and are making their final decisions for which college or university they will attend if youre applying for future semesters, its never too late to book an Irvine college consultant. Now they need to start thinking about the specifics of the campus they will be living on. Students who let the university randomly select a roommate the first year of college may be sorely disappointed. A mismatched roommate situation can result in lack of sleep, social issues, privacy issues, and disrupted study habits. However, there are a few things incoming freshmen can do to make their roommate experience tolerable at the very least. 1. Try living with someone who was not your best friend in high school Many students who attend the local in-state university may want to room with one of their friends from high school. Its very tempting to ask your best friend to be your roommate knowing that you will have them there to help you adjust to a new campus. However, best friends often dont make good roommates. Even if you have spent plenty of time with your best friend while in high school, you may have different academic goals, different sleep habits, different views on boundaries privacy, and different schedules. For the most part, its better to keep the best friend down the hall and have a roommate with a similar study schedule (READ: College Scholarships 101: Burgers and Donuts?). 2. Ask for a roommate with the same academic schedule If you’re an early morning person and your roommate is taking mostly night classes, this will mean that youll be waking up your roommate every single morning and she will be keeping you awake every single night. Students who do not get enough sleep their first year of college are often more prone to homesickness and decreased academic success. Try finding a roommate who will have the same academic timetable as you so that you will both want peace and quiet at the same time. 3. Social similarities Often times a shy wallflower is paired with a social butterfly, resulting in total disaster. The shy college student attempting to adjust to a brand new environment does not want five of their roommate’s very best friends crammed into a room meant for two small people. On the other hand, the social butterfly, who enjoys having friends over as part of their overall college experience, will be endlessly annoyed by a roommate who asks everybody to leave. Its much better to find someone who is also a little bit shy or also very social. 4. Ask the college for help Colleges and universities that pair roommates randomly are asking for trouble. Its a much better idea to have students fill out a questionnaire or give some information about their personal habits before selecting roommates. Students who are new to campus or who will be attending an out-of-state college probably wont know anybody until they arrive. Its definitely a good idea to ask the college to help place you with a good roommate. Tell them about your sleep preferences, social preferences, study habits and anything else that might cause problems getting along (READ: 5 Things to do Before You Go Away to College). In Short The social experience of college can be very beneficial but having the wrong roommate can make it miserable for both of you. Its important that each student has the opportunity for a little bit of quiet and downtime after a long day of socializing and study, however, achieving this while living with the wrong roommate is probably not possible. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

?? How Much Does An English Tutor Cost

?? How Much Does An English Tutor Cost How Much Does An English Tutor Cost? The average cost of an English tutor in the UK is £21.11, when you take location and level of study into account. The most expensive English tutors can be found in London, with an average cost of £26.82. The cheapest, with an hourly rate of £18.31, is Lincoln.What are the English tutor prices near me? City Average Hourly Cost ( £) London £26.82 Cambridge £26.36 Oxford £25.64 Southampton £21.95 Bristol £21.88 Nottingham £21.84 Edinburgh £21.47 Chester £21.01 Sunderland £20.93 Birmingham £20.80 Leeds £20.72 Glasgow £20.72 York £20.64 Portsmouth £20.64 Manchester £20.51 Derby £20.51 Liverpool £20.49 Coventry £20.32 Plymouth £20.25 Peterborough £20.22 The table above shows you how location can have a fairly big impact on the cost of an English tutor. This essentially boils down to the overall affluence of the area, and the supply and demand of English tutors.How much is an English tutor for each level of learning?Location can play a big part in how much an English tutor costs. Another major factor is the level of learning that your child is currently at.A-Level English will generally cost more than GCSE English, and both of those will be more expensive than KS3. This is because higher levels of education require more knowledge to teach. Here’s how prices of English tutors vary depending on the level of learning:Primary â€" £20.85KS3 â€" £21.03GCSE â€" £20.86IB â€" £21.23A-Level â€" £21.60What factors affect the cost of an English tutor?The average hourly rates of English tutors depend on a range of factors. These include the ones we’ve already mentioned like location and level of learning, and also other factors like tuto r experience and certifications.If a tutor is educated to a postgraduate level in English, then they’ll have a better understanding of the subject, and so can justify a higher hourly rate.That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the best fit for your child. Their advanced knowledge may mean they find it harder to simplify their teaching for lower levels of education.It’s also important to take your tutor’s experience into account. A more experienced English tutor will be aware that their job isn’t just to explain the concepts, but to infuse your child with critical thinking skills and a willingness to learn outside of lessons.Experienced tutors will be able to handle that better, and so they can justify charging a little bit more.Have you considered online English tutoring? Online tutoring has risen in popularity over the last few years, with many parents now preferring it to in-person teaching.One reason for this is that there are no travel costs involved, both for you and your tutor. It means you don’t have to find a way to transport your child to their tutor, and it means your tutor doesn’t have to include fuel costs in their hourly rate.Essentially, the lack of travel means a lower cost for you.Online tutoring is also a great approach if your child would be much more comfortable learning from the comfort of your home. Parents often find that their children can focus better when in a familiar space, provided there are no exciting distractions around!A lot of online tutoring platforms like Tutorful offer a range of useful features to aid your child’s learning. These include video chat, screen sharing, and an interactive whiteboard. Get a quote from an English tutor near you!There are lots of English tutors waiting to give your child the support they need. Use the link below to receive personalised quotes.Find an English tutor

The Gag Rule and Why People Condemn It

The Gag Rule and Why People Condemn It For one thing, the policy is anti-abortion and surfaced in the Reagan-era. This is not the first time it has resurfaced, either. It was previously instated under George W. Bush and then again removed by Barack Obama. So what is the Gag Rule? Essentially, the rule forbids handing out federal money to foreign organizations that perform abortions or mention them (yes, it’s that strict) as an option to women. So why implement it? There are likely several reasons. First and foremost is finance it costs the U.S. money to federally support these organizations, so withdrawing funding will save the U.S. some money. The other reason, and the most controversial, is that it’s an anti-abortion policy meant to decrease the number of abortions. However, this is controversial because it’s highly likely that the rule will actually do the opposite. According to Jason Cone, executive director of MSF-USA (Doctors Without Borders): “Research over the past decade has shown that policies that ban medical providers from educating women about abortion and their family planning options including birth control and condoms actually lead to more unwanted pregnancies, more unsafe abortions and death, and higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV.” To be clear, the Gag Rule doesn’t ban abortions per se. But it does ban organizations from discussing the option with women (if they would like to continue receiving federal funding), which could, in turn, lead to unsafe results. So for those students unclear, this is not an abortion law that prohibits such procedures. But in a way it does, as many facilities would have to shut down without federal funding, meaning they would need to cease abortion practices to remain open. Another argument I’ve seen fairly often is that this isn’t a U.S. problem anyway because the Gag Rule applies to government money spent internationally, not specifically within the U.S. so we shouldn’t care, right? While it’s very easy to argue that because this rule doesn’t affect you, it’s not something we should be protesting or worrying about, ignorance is not bliss. So before you attack those peacefully protesting such a rule, realize that they are standing up for those that are unable to stand up for themselves. It’s an act of solidarity, not ignorance. That being said, any protests crossing the line from peaceful to harmful and violent, including personal attacks on President Trump’s intelligence, etc. go too far. There’s a way to protest without hate speech and acts. That goes for both sides of the issue. And those that claim this rule is actually a good thing, that pro-choice is harmful to society, aren’t considering all the facts, because it’s not simply an argument of pro-life or pro-choice; just because a law is in place doesn’t mean the outcome is going to be any different, or any better, for that matter. According to Cone: “No matter what the risk or barrier, women will continue to seek ways to end pregnancies and they will continue to needlessly die if safe abortion care is not accessible. The Trump Administration needs to face these facts and end policies that endanger the lives of women and girls.” This is an argument heard time and time again, and whether you agree with the morality behind it or not, it’s true. When you take away safe means of abortion, the same women that were willing to go in for the abortion (albeit, possibly less) are still going to find a way to have it. All this does is increase the danger of abortion. And when federal funding for such organizations is pulled, it’s also important to consider what other services those organizations are providing that are now not receiving funding either. According to Seema Jalan, executive director of the Universal Access Project, “By cutting off funding for family planning, there is actually an increase in unintended pregnancies which actually leads to an increase in abortion.” Think about it: organizations that provide condoms and birth control, HIV screening, cancer screening etc., are now defunded because they also offer abortions. Essentially, individuals that rely on these organizations now have no access to condoms and birth control, HIV screening, cancer screening, etc. And when people don’t have access to such necessary health services, the risk for all of the above issues increases. So it’s actually more likely that unwanted pregnancies will happen. It’s more likely HIV will spread. It’s more likely that cancer will go undiagnosed and untreated. Pro-life or pro-choice that’s a moral argument that no two people will ever agree on. But policies regarding either issue should be considered on more than just the surface  because there’s always more than meets the eye. There is no policy so simple as to prohibit abortion without also increasing the risk of medical problems outside of unwanted pregnancies for women. So it’s time to stop thinking about abortion as its own entity because it isn’t. There’s more involved and therefore any policies against abortion should take such dangers into consideration as well. Turning a blind eye, in this case, is simply going to do more harm than good. Just some food for thought.

Tips For Using Online Math Tutoring For the 9th Grade

Tips For Using Online Math Tutoring For the 9th GradeOften times students find that they are not able to make good grades due to the lack of time needed for a lot of math and reading material, and then they turn to online math and science tutoring for help. There are a number of different methods that an instructor can use in order to get their students interested in taking that much needed extra math class or even physics that they would have otherwise opted out of in order to avoid the stress of trying to figure everything out on their own.The key to any successful math course is to ensure that the student is able to retain as much information as possible while in grade level. You can do this by having them learn in multiple formats, from online video tutorials, to a textbook, and then finally to homework assignments.It is possible to find ways to actually download videos to a person's computer that show step by step process to solve math problems. These videos are typically produc ed by different universities and schools, which has been developed to give students a complete grasp of the subject. This type of homework is a great way to go about making sure that the student is able to absorb all of the information that they need to, especially when dealing with more advanced topics.However, if you think that your child is going to struggle with learning at a grade level, there are some websites which are designed to be able to review anything that is taken at any grade level. While it is possible to do that yourself, many teachers and professors still prefer using these types of resources. These are the only places that can make use of thousands of free math lessons online, which students can read and take notes on at their own pace.If you are looking for a way to help your child learn to do well at school, an online tutor is something that can be a life saver. Your child will be able to use the Internet to simply log onto their own computer, make use of the in structional website, and then get additional help from the online tutor who is able to answer their questions with great patience. They will be able to look up videos and other assignments at their leisure, and they will also be able to track their progress through some easy to follow guides.At times you may need to assess the student's abilities and how much of a math education they are truly prepared for. Some people may be afraid to think that they may not be as good at math as their peers, but you must remember that everybody is different. A standardized test that was previously taken will never give you an accurate measurement of how good a student is at math, and that is why it is important to have the right tools available so that you can make the best possible decision when it comes to selecting your student's grade level.Make sure that you take the time to see if there are any online math tutoring services which are offered, or any sites which are related to that. You will need to ensure that your child does not miss out on any of the best math courses that they can learn from, and that they are able to get some great lessons which they can use on a regular basis.

How a Virtual Help Desk Can Be Used in a Public Library

How a Virtual Help Desk Can Be Used in a Public LibraryThe staff of a public library can use a virtual help desk to check their library tutoring schedule TX state, one week at a time. This virtual help desk can also be used to save the site to the computer and keep it open all the time so that students can see it. This is an excellent way to increase the student's chances of getting the kind of study help they need and deserve.By using this service, you can be sure that you will have the access to individual students that you are looking for. This is a great way to save money while still getting the appropriate tutoring that will get your students ready for the state tests and even be ready for college or the job market.Just make sure that the online help desk that you are using is compatible with the online help desk of the local library in your area. Sometimes, you have to sign up with both for the software to work.A tutor for the library has many benefits, besides getting them rea dy for the state exams and job interviews. If you are out of state, it will allow you to find someone who can teach your students something that they might not know. They might know something about what you need them to know, but they might not know enough about it to help you.You can also get them the help that they need help with their homework or with studying for exams. This can greatly improve the level of preparation that they are doing to pass their exams and become eligible for the state exams.The help desk can also be used to help you with making adjustments in the format of your library's study materials. By checking a regular schedule of the school year, you can be sure that your students will not have to pay for any change in format. In other words, you donot have to pay to have your material updated on the schedule you use.Assistance for the classroom can also be available for those that need it. It will allow you to have the classes completed at the same time as you ex pect them to be done. This will help you save money since you will not have to pay for extra classes.

Sentence Structure English Writing Online Tutorpace

Sentence Structure English Writing Online Tutorpace A sentence is a group of words that express a meaningful idea or an event. Basically words make up phrases; phrases make up clauses that in turn are called sentences. English sentences follow specific rules for construction, expansion or for making them short. A sentence normally begins with a capital letter and ends with any of the following punctuation mark: period, question mark or exclamation point. Variety in sentence structure is an important requisite for a good style. Subject and predicate form the core elements in an English sentence. It can further be classified into different sentence types like a declarative sentence, imperative sentence, a question and an exclamatory sentence. Furthermore, English sentences are classified into simple sentences (with one independent clause, compound sentences (with two or more independent clauses) complex sentences (with one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses) and compound complex sentences (with one or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses). In addition, English sentences are constructed around five basic patterns: S+V (subject +verb), S+V+O (subject+verb+object), S+V+Adj (subject+verb+adjective), S+V+ Adv. (subject+verb+adverb) and S+V+N (subject+verb+ noun). We have discussed only a preview of sentence structure and each element needs to be explained with details.

How to Survive the College Application Process Part One

How to Survive the College Application Process Part One Its August and youre about to dive into your senior year of high school. Its also time to jump into the college application process (if you havent already) which, at times, can be a little stressful. Over the next few months, youll write several essays, send many transcripts, and fill out seemingly endless piles of paperwork. Its a lot of workbut once youre done, the payoff is so sweet: admission into college and plenty of time to enjoy the remainder of your senior year of high school. Want to learn how to make it through as painlessly as possible? This first installment of a three-part series will explain how you can survive the college application process: 1. Start early When it comes to applying to colleges, the earlier you start, the better. Completing one college application by itself may take several hours. Many high school students apply to five to eight colleges, so applying to all the schools on your list is a significant time commitment. What you dont want to do is wait until the last minute to complete your applications. This will undoubtedly lead you to rush, and thats stressful. But besides the extra anxiety youll feel is the increased possibility of you forgetting to complete a part of an application (a common mistake). Take out your calendar now to set aside a schedule for working on your college applications, and stick to it. Set up a schedule that gives you enough time to complete your applications at least a week or two before theyre due to give you extra wiggle room to review and revise your applications before sending them in. 2. Educate yourself Its important to know the ins and outs of completing each application you plan on submitting. While many colleges rely on the Common App, each college has its own specific application process and requirements. It will save you time in the long run if you spend time now researching the application requirements of each college to which you plan on applying. 3. Stay organized Once youre familiar with colleges application processes, create a checklist that will help keep you on track. Write down the names of all of the colleges you plan on applying to. Then, beneath each colleges name, list its specific application requirements, such as an essay, a transcript, and letters of recommendation. As you go along filling out applications, you can easily cross the items you complete off your list. This can help ensure you dont forget any aspects of the applications you need to complete. Additionally, because it gives you a visual of the tasks you need to complete, keeping a list can help you better manage your time as the application process progresses (and gets busier!). 4. Dream big So youve started researching the application requirements of the various colleges to which you plan on applying. As you do this, you may notice that many colleges and universities publish the average standardized test scores and GPAs of accepted students. For some universitiesespecially Ivy League schoolsthese scores and GPAs are very competitive. But just because some colleges are tough to get into doesnt mean you shouldnt apply! Apply to a variety of schools, both those youre more confident about and those you may think are a stretchit doesnt hurt to apply to a couple of reach schools to further challenge and motivate yourself. After all, youll never know if you might be admitted into the school of your dreams if you never try applying! See Part Two of this seriesfor what to do next... Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at