Friday, March 6, 2020

Post Spring Break Burn Out 6 Ways to Cope

Post Spring Break Burn Out 6 Ways to Cope Beat the Spring Break Burn Out With These 6 Tips By this time, students in both high school and college are back from Spring Break. The first Monday back can be exceedingly difficult because students know that it was the last break until the end of the school year. College students will have to focus on final exams, finding a summer job or internship, or dealing with life after graduation. Additionally, high school students will be faced with the all-important AP examinations, the SAT, the ACT, and the thought of going to summer school if necessary (READ: Cracking the ACT Science Section). College seniors who have already been accepted to college will still need to maintain a decent GPA in order to keep their conditional acceptance. Although this time of year can be a challenge for most students, there are ways a cope that can help ease the transition from post spring break burnout back into academic life. 1. Get back into a routine Most students have gotten out of their routine during spring break, which is actually a good thing. Whether in high school or college, students need to rest, relax, and sleep in during their time off. However, now that school is back in session its important for students to reestablish a routine. Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, eating a nutritious and protein-fueled lunch, and reestablishing a homework routine are all important when adjusting back to a regular school schedule. 2. Test preparation Students who have not yet started test prep for their AP exams or their college entrance exams are a little bit behind the game. However, theres still time for students to be successful on their AP exams and SATs but it will require a sacrifice of time. Exams are now just under a month away, giving students time to review and practice general test-taking strategies but not much time for content study. Students who are behind on their AP exams should arrange a plan of action with their tutor or classroom teacher in order to succeed next month. Students who will be taking that SAT or ACT this spring should crack open that test prep booklet and do a full length practice exam. Its important for students to know where they stand so they can, hopefully, get the score they want the first time around. 3. Energy Students who have been preparing for college or preparing to finish college this year are probably mentally tired at this point. Its important for students to conserve and maintain a steady stream of energy so they can be successful for the remainder of the academic year. The best way to conserve energy is to get eight hours of sleep each night, get mild to moderate exercise as is appropriate, and pay attention to good nutrition. Its also important for students to do things with their friends from time to time, even during the busy study season, so that they are able to take a mental break and just enjoy life. 4.  Make plans Its important for students, regardless of their current grade level, to make plans for the summer. Whether it’s arranging to have a part-time job, planning a fun vacation, or looking for an internship, students who have something to look forward to are more likely to maintain their current level of energy. 5. Call a tutor Most college prep students, and many current college students, will have worked with a tutor earlier in the year either for SAT preparation or that really difficult course required for graduation. This is a good time of year to get back in touch with your Orange County private tutor and ask them for ways to survive the remainder of the school year. Students can either get academic help for the rest of the year or simply spend an hour or two getting reorganized and maintaining motivation. Having a little bit of help never hurts. 6. Get in touch with the Study Group Students who have lost touch with their study group over spring break should reconnect right away. Many students take two or even three weeks to recover from being off of an academic schedule. However, those who are consistently part of a high-achieving study group tend to get right back into their academic routine (READ: Tips from an Orange County tutor: Keeping a Study Session On Track). In short Although spring break is a nice time to relax, both high school and college students are advised to look at these tips and tricks for reestablishing an academic life so that they can be successful for the remainder of the school year. Summer is not that far away, hang in there! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

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